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The Amitabha Buddhist Association Incorporated (NSW) was founded in 1999 and has since grown from strength to strength. Under the wise inspiration of  Venerable Master Chin Kung and the guidance of Venerable Wu Shin, the Association has grown from a few devoted members to its present strength of over 120 members. Our membership consists of people, mainly, of both Chinese and Vietnamese ethnic backgrounds.


Love is the gist of Buddhism. Love your neighbour and love all creatures. 


World peace ultimately comes from internal peace and external peace. 


Harmony is the core element in multicultural multi-religious community.

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Our guiding teacher is Venerable Master Chin Kung AM.


Master Chin Kun was awarded an Honorary Professorship from the University of Queensland and an Honorary Doctorate from Griffith University in 2002, awarded the Honorary Founding Patron of the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Queensland in December 2003, and awarded the Honorary Doctor Degree of University of Southern Queensland in April 2004.


In June 2005, Master Chin Kung was appointed as a member in the General Division of the Order of Australia by Queen Elizabeth II. Venerable Chin Kung was recognized for services to the Buddhist community in Queensland, particularly through the promotion of Buddhism and the fostering interfaith activities between diverse ethnic groups, and to the community through support for education and health institutions.


Master Chin Kung was also granted the Honorary Doctor Degree of Syarif Hidayatullan State Islamic University, Jakarta Indonesia. In 2004, Master Chin Kung was invited to present a paper at the 2004 Okayama Topia for International Contribution NGO Network Conference on the United Nations.


Besides teaching, Master Chin Kung devotes his time to world peace, interfaith harmony, and the propagation of education for loving-kindness and peace. His contribution has been outstanding, and his foot-prints has covered Asia, America, Australia, Europe, and Africa. Master Chin Kung is highly respected by the governments and the religious bodies of Australia, China, Indonesia, and Singapore, as well as UNESCO, and is greatly valued for his visions and practices on peace education. In September 2017, the “Association of Chin Kung’s Friends at UNESCO” was established at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris France, aiming to “promote religious unity, restore religious education, and promote traditional culture”.  


In 2006, venerable Chin Kung sponsored and attended actively the solemn and sumptuous celebration of the 2550th birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni, which took place in the office of the UNESCO in Paris, organized by the Venerable Tampalawela Dhammaratana, ex-president of the Buddhist Union of France. This international religious event has delivered the message of world peace and peace of mind in the heart of each, followed by other cultural exchanges on "religious solidarity, traditional education and world peace" later held at UNESCO.


Master Chin Kung usually resides in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.  In or about 2000, the then Minister for Immigration Hon Philip Ruddock, currently mayor of Hornsby Shire, visited Queensland and awarded the Australian Citizenship Certificate to Master Chin Kung.


More detailed info about Master Chin Kung is available at


The Amitabha Buddhist Association of New South Wales is a branch of the worldwide Pure Land Learning Centres under the spiritual guidance of Venerable Master Chin Kung AM. 

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